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ONC 2023 Final Meeting |
Executive Summary of ONC 2023 Final Meeting - Day Two
ONC Health IT Certification Program - Criteria for AI
Informing – How AI gets new information Deriving – How AI establishes Commonalities/Relationships Predicting - How AI provides recommendations with meaningful outcome categories. Related Resources
FDA AI Use Case - "World Shift Scenario"
Narrative Description: When a settled way of working suddenly becomes no longer sound nor reliable. Recent (2020 Pandemic) example of a World Shift Scenario
FDA Proposed Discipline for Artificial Intelligence (AI) to minimize Data Drift risk
Objective: "Seize the promise of AI and minimize the risk"
Objective: "Seize the promise of AI and minimize the risk"
Reference Examples of AI for NIH Use Case
ONC Health IT Certification Program
Use Cases for AINIH Clinical Reference for proposed AI products:
Proposed AI Products
Criteria for AI